Friday, March 13, 2015

Listening to Chant is the closest I've come to finding any true peace the past few days...a beautiful album that has over 121 reviews on Amazon, 81 percent of which are 5 stars. Below is a review from 
Decca's recording of chant sung by the Cistercian Monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz in southern Austria fulfills the purpose of this type of album: mellow, slow, reflective chant melodies for general audiences. The CD has high production values; the sound is exceptionally clean and clear with just enough resonance to evoke a monastic atmosphere. The singers have light-, pleasant-, natural-sounding baritones, and their voices blend smoothly. Their singing is more expressive than many performances of this repertoire, with a subtle use of dynamic shading that follows the melodic contours of the chant. Two of the most satisfying tracks are simply the tolling of the bells of the monastery with birdsong in the background. The notes, which reflect a Roman Catholic spirituality, don't identify the source or specific era of the chants being sung, but simply describe them as "Gregorian." The volume of the album is very loud, and the listener will probably want to adjust the levels to avoid being blown out of the room. --Stephen Eddins

I wouldn't say the music is loud enough to blow you out of the room. If anything, being surrounded by all its strength is amazingly comforting.

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