Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Internally, I'm having a kind of challenging day...about a lot of things, really, but also because of the homophobic things I still often hear in my life and the things anyone can read and hear in news and of the best articles I've ever read on what being gay is like is here, with emphasis on this part:

 Far too often Christian, when you make the statement that being gay is a sin, what you're really doing without realizing it is reducing all LGBT people down to a sex act -- as if that alone defines sexuality.

You're denying any emotional component in their lives, any capacity to feel real love or show genuine affection toward someone else.

In a gross oversimplification, you're labeling a complex, fully formed human being as merely a performer of intercourse.

That's something you would never do with heterosexuality, and especially not with your own sexuality, because you understand implicitly that your sexual orientation is about much more than a physical act. It's a much deeper part of who you are than that.

It's about far greater things than just plumbing and gymnastics.

You know that in your own life, the physical act of sex isn't the totality of your sexuality -- that it is also about affection and companionship and the desire to love and be loved. It's about who you are drawn to and attracted to and compelled to be close to.

I would go even further and say that a gay person can be celibate and perfectly okay with that and yet still have romantic and deep emotional feelings for someone. Being gay is no more about sex all the time (or even at all) than being straight is...We do not assume that straight people are always being physical (that they are all about the physical) so why should we about gays and lesbians?

The rest of the article can be found here:

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