Friday, June 19, 2015

from: "How To Stop Hating Yourself" (
"If you dismiss the things that do not matter; if you remove those things from your mind and focus on what must be done; if you understand that your time is limited and decide to work now; only then will you be able to get to the finish line. Otherwise, you will be dissuaded into living a life you aren't interested in.

Side note: You need to handle failure and obscurity better. You may be in a tough place right now where you feel lonely or like a loser. No worries, we've all been there. But it's time for you to realize how common these things are, and that they're experienced by even the most successful and happiest people in the world. Those people get past them, and you will too."

As things in my personal life have really started to get a bit overwhelming, I find myself disliking myself even more than usual. This article is really, really insightful and helpful:

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