Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The older I get the more I find myself losing patience with explicit love scenes in books. Not because I am intensely disgusted or turned off, or even affronted, but because I believe that you can have love without sex and that sex is made way too much a big deal of and is absolutely meaningless without love.

Not that I know this personally...I am a virgin and most likely always will be. I believe, really really believe that I am asexual and I only become more and more convinced of this as the years go on.  

This can be a problem in dating, no matter what your orientation, but it especially seems to be a problem in the lesbian community. It is both sad and funny (not ha-ha funny, it should go without saying) that far right Christians have such an odd fascination with the sexual aspect(s) of being gay that that is all they see and that many lesbians will often run the other way if you confide that you are a romantic asexual...meaning you want the cuddling and kisses and hugs that can come with romantic love but NOT the sex.

Asexuality is a theme that still has a _long_ way to go in being represented in lesfic (or any fiction), but I am pretty satisfied with what I have discovered so far and only hope that someday soon there will be lots more...not only because I really dislike reading graphic sex scenes, but because, on a deeper level, it is nice to know you are not alone in being an 'oddball.'

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