Sunday, March 18, 2018

For inspiration...

Reading an interview with Kylie Minogue (who sounds not only like a sweet person, but also like a real class act) in a recent Sunday Times article I felt so much of what she had to share jump at out at me, but no two parts more than these:

I think a big part of me has been almost immobilized by things that have been going on, so much so that except for getting up to take care of my cat and be there for him as he is there for me I was finding it pretty much impossible to get through each day. I still care (very much so) about the things and the people who have so deeply affected me, but the difference now is that I not only need to get over it I have to...and I am hoping that the quiet little voice whispering inside me ("Maybe it's not too late to start over, maybe you haven't completely ruined things, maybe she doesn't know how you feel about her") is right...

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