Monday, March 19, 2018

Hoping to return here more regularly to write (even if is just to spill thoughts and feelings that will never ever be read by another soul, I still need to shed them)  and to move past some things that have happened that have both taken (and not taken) me by surprise. 

Really, not much surprises me anymore except that the heart does go on even after it feels like it has been completely broken and that you can go on too. And maybe not everyone would get this, but I really, really, really believe that my cat is why I am not bitter or sad or anything else bad that can happen when your heart feels like it is breaking because you dared to trust another human being could find something to like about you and want to be your friend and never hurt you.

Despite the contrary, despite all the stereotypes out there, I also really, really, really believe that cat ladies survive and even go on to thrive and that cats (or dogs or bunnies or gerbils or hedgehogs or any other animal that can be a pet) are a source of fresh air and inspiration, not a reason to shut one's self off from the world and all the wonderful things it still has to offer despite so often being a very scary place.
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as seen on Pinterest

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